{{ workflow.title || 'Place An Order'}}

Placing an order with EACC is as simple as finding the products you're looking for and clicking Add to Order! On each product page, just pick the options you want and get your price in real-time! Over the years, we've taken many special orders from our clients. Now it's easy to reorder these special products, and you can buy them too! Try searching for what you're looking for in our specialty products line! Once you've added all the items you need, click Continue to Check Out! Not finding what you're looking for? Email us at print@eastatlantacopycenter.com or call us at 404-622-3222 Start your order now!

Get 15% Off!

Use the promo code below at checkout:


*Offer valid until 30th September 2024

Contact Detail

{{workflow.order.billTo.firstname}} {{workflow.order.billTo.lastname}}


No billing address

{{workflow.order.billTo.city}}, {{workflow.order.billTo.state}}
{{workflow.order.billTo.country}} {{workflow.order.billTo.postal}}

Email: {{workflow.order.billTo.email}}
Phone: {{workflow.order.billTo.phone}}
Change Contact

Product Details

Product thumbnail {{product.name}}
Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}}

{{workflow.layout.mode == 'classic' ? 'Table' : 'Box'}} layout
Item Preview Price Per Unit Select
{{product.name | stripSlashes}} {{product.code}} {{product.template_description ? product.template_description : product.description}} Product thumbnail {{!product.is_template ? currency : ''}}{{!product.is_template ? (product.unit_price | moneyFormat) : product.unit_price}}
{{!product.is_template ? currency : ''}}{{product.unit_price}}
Available Stock: {{product.productStock | max:0}}
There are no products in this Category
{{!product.is_template ? currency : ''}}{{product.unit_price}}
Available Stock : {{product.productStock | max:0}}
No Products found with your search.
1 Review Products
2 Shipping
3 Additional Info
4 Finalize

Here are the contents of your order so far.

Item Preview Quantity Unit Price Total Price Actions
{{product.name | stripSlashes}} {{product.template_description ? product.template_description : product.description}} Product thumbnail {{product.qnt}} -- {{currency}}{{(product.is_template ? product.total_price/product.qnt : product.unit_price) | moneyFormat:9}} {{currency}}{{(product.is_template ? product.total_price : product.unit_price * product.qnt) | number:2}}
Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}}

Please, provide your contact and address information.

Below is the shipping address we will use for this order. You may choose another if necessary. Click Continue to Check Out to proceed to the next step.

Contact Detail
Address Information
Sub Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}} Tax: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.taxAmount | number:2}} Shipping: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.logistic.totalShippingAmount | number:2}}
Total Invoice Amount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.totalAmount | number:2}}

Select agent

Loading address book ...
Name Amount Percentage
{{workflow.designer.firstname}} {{workflow.designer.lastname}} ({{workflow.designer.type}}) {{currency}}{{workflow.designer.amount | number:2}}
{{contact.firstname}} {{contact.lastname}} ({{contact.type}}) {{currency}}{{agentContacts[$index].amount | number:2}}
Shipping Information
No shipping address selected

{{workflow.order.shipping.firstname}} {{workflow.order.shipping.lastname}}

No shipping address

{{workflow.order.shipping.city}}, {{workflow.order.shipping.state}}
{{workflow.order.shipping.country}} {{workflow.order.shipping.zip}}

Primary Email: {{workflow.order.shipping.email}}
Primary Phone: {{workflow.order.shipping.phone}}

Enter an address manually

Contact Detail
Address Information

Select one of the available shipping method.

Rate: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.logistic.totalShippingAmount | number:2}}

Please provide the following additional information for your order. Fields with bold labels are required.

Due date mm/dd/yyyy
Shipping date
Additional info Any additional details that might be required to complete this order.
Upload file Select a file to upload.
  • {{file.name}}
Delivery Notes

Please review all details of your order. If everything looks correct, press the button below to proceed.

Sub Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}}
Shipping: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.logistic.totalShippingAmount | number:2}}
Discount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.coupon.amount | number:2}}
Discount ({{workflow.discount.discountRate}}%): {{currency}}{{workflow.discount.discountAmount | number:2}}
Tax ({{workflow.order.taxRate}}%): {{currency}}{{workflow.order.taxAmount | number:2}}

Total Invoice Amount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.totalAmount | number:2}}
Coupon Detail
Discount Rate: {{workflow.order.coupon.rate}}%
Discount Amount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.coupon.amount | number:2}}
  • {{product.qnt}} {{product.name}} {{currency}}{{(product.is_template ? (product.total_price/product.qnt) : product.unit_price) | number:3}} unit price
Bill To

{{workflow.order.billTo.firstname}} {{workflow.order.billTo.lastname}}

No billing address

{{workflow.order.billTo.city}}, {{workflow.order.billTo.state}}
{{workflow.order.billTo.country}} {{workflow.order.billTo.postal}}

Email: {{workflow.order.billTo.email}}
Phone: {{workflow.order.billTo.phone}}


Shipping Address

{{workflow.order.shipping.firstname}} {{workflow.order.shipping.lastname}}

No shipping address

{{workflow.order.shipping.city}}, {{workflow.order.shipping.state}}
{{workflow.order.shipping.country}} {{workflow.order.shipping.zip}}

Email: {{workflow.order.shipping.email}}
Phone: {{workflow.order.shipping.phone}}

Additional Info
  • {{info.label}}: {{info.value}}

Clicking the button below will finalize this order. If you are uploading a large file, please wait while the system uploads it to the server.

Please provide the following additional information for your order. Fields with bold labels are required.

Sub Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}}
Tax: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.taxAmount | number:2}}
Shipping: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.logistic.totalShippingAmount | number:2}}
Total Invoice Amount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.totalAmount | number:2}}
Name on Card:
Credit Card No:

Fetching existing credit cards ...
Existing credit cards
After the order is created, the ACH dialog will appear.
Your order has been successfully submitted.

Sub Total: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.subTotal | number:2}}
Tax({{workflow.order.taxRate}}%): {{currency}}{{workflow.order.taxAmount | number:2}}
Shipping: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.logistic.totalShippingAmount | number:2}}
Total Invoice Amount: {{currency}}{{workflow.order.totalAmount | number:2}}

Order Number:


  • {{product.qnt}} x {{product.name}} {{currency}}{{(product.is_template ? (product.total_price/product.qnt) : product.unit_price) | moneyFormat:9}} unit price + {{product.tax_exempted || isTaxExempted == 'Yes' ? 'Tax Exempted' : 'Tax('+workflow.order.taxRate+'%): ' + currency + (product.taxAmount | number:2)}}

Bill To:
{{workflow.order.billTo.firstname}} {{workflow.order.billTo.lastname}}

No billing address {{workflow.order.billTo.address}}
{{workflow.order.billTo.city}}, {{workflow.order.billTo.state}} {{enableCounty && workflow.order.billTo.county ? workflow.order.billTo.county : ''}}
{{workflow.order.billTo.country}} {{workflow.order.billTo.postal}}
Email: {{workflow.order.billTo.email}}
Phone: {{workflow.order.billTo.phone}}

Ship To:
{{workflow.order.shipping.firstname}} {{workflow.order.shipping.lastname}}

No shipping address {{workflow.order.shipping.street}}
{{workflow.order.shipping.city}}, {{workflow.order.shipping.state}}
{{workflow.order.shipping.country}} {{workflow.order.shipping.zip}}
Email: {{workflow.order.shipping.email}}
Phone: {{workflow.order.shipping.phone}}

Additional Info:

  • {{info.label}}: {{info.value}}

Active. It is currently in production.